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Event Recap

OnArt Event Recap


The 11th year of was officially smashing! Not only was it exceptional in class offerings and special events, but it had a record-breaking attendance of over 200 delegates from 21 countries. Qualatex distributors Globofiesta Party of Spain and Baloes-Festa of Portugal organized the event.

The three-day event, held in Barcelona, Spain, had much to offer. The conference featured classes on deco-twisting, business, and retail-focused courses. As well, a CBA exam resulted in 13 new certifications! Five competitions produced exceptional designs.

Here were the winners: 

Table Competition

  • Joint 1st Place – Nagi Mariann, CBA  & Carlo Vavenotti 
  • 3rd Place – Manola Mencini, CBA

Column Competition

  • 1st Place – Barbara Rosatelli, CBA
  • 2nd Place – Giusy Gennaro
  • 3rd Place – Antal Szepesi

Bouquet Competition    

  • 1st Place – Marion Rudolph, CBA
  • 2nd Place – Nagi Mariann, CBA
  • 3rd Place – Giovanna Bucci

Organizers look forward to the next OnArt, scheduled for 2020. “We will be happy to meet again all these wonderful people from the balloon world. OnArt is your home,” said Josemaria Álvarez, CBA, of Globofiesta Party.