2023 Sustainability Update: Our Commitments
Pioneer stands for sustainability.
These three priorities outline our commitments for the future.

01. United Nations SDGs
We commit to align Pioneer Balloon Company with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and we will use the 17 SDGs to drive our business decisions.

02. Reduce Plastic in Packaging
We commit to decrease plastic in our packaging or where unavoidable in the short term, incorporate at least 30% recycled plastic in plastic packaging by 2024.

Microfoil Packaging
Pioneer is developing new Microfoil packaging, which will eliminate the plastic sleeve currently used. Until the cardboard sleeve is fully developed, Microfoil packaging will consist of 30% recycled plastic by 2024.
Latex Packaging
Pioneer is assessing new latex balloon packaging, including films made from biomass and films utilizing more than 30% recycled feedstock. Launch into the market is estimated to be early 2024.
03. Champion Sustainability
We commit to diligently work to stay up-to-date with all compliance regulation changes worldwide to ensure uninterrupted access to our products. As such, Pioneer has established a sustainability task force chaired by Ted J Vlamis, Senior Executive Sustainability Officer. It is comprised of a cross-functional, cross-Pioneer company team in order to provide a global perspective, and this team will champion sustainability throughout all facets of the company.